The risk of being defined is to remain compressed within a title or squeezed between the walls of a box. We are finite, at any rate, and our limit is life itself.
It is life precisely what stimulates me, what incites my curiosity, what inspires my thinking: it is life in many of its expressions. It might be said about me that I am a thinker, an actor, a psychologist, a rabbi, a rebel, a man of rules, a humorist, a nostalgic man, a writer, a voice-over talent, a translator, an nonconformist, a traditionalist, an iconoclast, a man who listens,a person who cares about the human being, a religious man, a worldly man, a daring person,an hesitant one, a tough, a sensitive person, a proto-scientist, an intellectual adventurer.
Life is what defines me. I’d like to share with you some of my thoughts, some of my doubts, some of my views. I’d like to invite you to this dialogue, so known and so strange, where I offer you the characters and you offer me your eyes, where I write to you and you read me, where you perhaps answer to me and I, maybe, answer to you.
Here, you will find ideas, opinions, religion, psychology, advice, humor, questions, spirituality, realism, literary adventures, life examples, wise choices, mistakes.
You will not find here neither Far-Eastern philosophy, nor mysticism, nor esotericism, nor the truth of life (as if there were only one truth and one only way of life for each one of us!), nor prophecy, nor horoscope, nor easy solutions, nor stand-alone solutions, nor polyvalent solutions, nor solutions.
You will do find here doors and windows of thought and of soul.
You will find here a source that I’d like to share with you and I wish you will share with others, as well.
Who am I? I was born and have lived in Argentina; I have also lived in Chile, Israel and France. I am a psychologist, a rabbi, an actor, a writer, a voice-over talent. I am a dreamer and try to be down to earth. I am a son, already an orphan, I am a brother, I am a husband, I am a father. I am a friend.
And for you, I am the one who grows and develops in your reading and by your reading. Welcome, you and me, to our dialogue!
I just read the engaging comments you wrote!! I am “engaged” and now will get back to RAVNET to read your thoughts on the sedrah.
Sandy Press